Centennial NA 1st Quarter Board Meeting
Open to all Centennial Neighborhood members We will be meeting via Zoom Meetings https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86099953632?pwd=L3NpdnpkWkZCT2NSbDN1QlZ2Zm1vZz09
Centennial Neighborhood Association
Boise’s westernmost Neighborhood Association, working to make Boise and the Centennial neighborhood a better place to live, work and raise a family!
Open to all Centennial Neighborhood members We will be meeting via Zoom Meetings https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86099953632?pwd=L3NpdnpkWkZCT2NSbDN1QlZ2Zm1vZz09
Join in on our board meeting as we reflect on current issues and challenges for the Centennial Neighborhood. Parks and recreational improvements: The city could consider funding for park upgrades, … Continue reading "CTNA 2nd Quarter Board Meeting"