We need your experience, your skills, and your passion. Get involved! Give this list your consideration.
Annual Meeting Planning – Let’s do what we need to do so that next year we don’t conflict with other major events in our community ie. Parent Teachers night
Membership Lead – Brainstorming with others on how to reach out and keep people aware of the benefits of participating in our Neighborhood Association.
Artwork / Signage / Photography/Posters etc. – Assist with artwork and other graphics for the website, posters, and flyers.
Facebook Lead – updating CTNA’s Facebook page with news, information, and events to keep membership returning to our page
HOA Messaging Coordinator – Our neighborhood HOA’s can be integral parts of our outreach. We need to establish continuing ties to our HOA’s
Issue Leaders – See Below:
New Library – work with other CTNA members, the board, and others to grow a consensus on the need for a Boise western library
Parks and other recreational amenities – identify opportunities in our current and proposed recreation areas and work with others to make things happen.
Zoning and zoning revisions – stay close to this especially important issue and provide to CTNA
Redistricting City Council – stay close to this especially important issue and provide updates to CTNA membership
Streets and walkways Lead – Safety, speed, signage, access.
Safety and Crime Lead – Stay connected with BPD Contact officers. Monitor social media posts. Work with Neighborhood Watch captains
Newsletter– It would be great if we had a newsletter that kept people up to date on CTNA
Next door Lead – Reach out to members not on Facebook or who do not access our website. A goal here would be to encourage members to access those as well.
Public relations – creating meeting announcements, surveys and other enhancements for our association
Recording Secretary – Frees up Board Secretary during meetings to participate in meeting discussion more actively. (Does not need to be a board member)
Social Events Lead – Neighborhood Night Out and other special events
Website Support – Our website is critically important in our efforts to stay connected to and inform our membership. This is a position that could always benefit from backup or dual staffing.
Other – name your passion and skill
Email us and let us know your area of interest – centennialnaboise@gmail.com