October 19, 2023 – Annual Meeting

Centennial Neighborhood Association Meeting – 2023

Annual Meeting of The Members

Our meeting closely followed the evening’s AGENDA. Bonnie Shelton led a highly informative presentations by Boise Parks and Recreation (McDevitt Park Master Plan Kickoff). Nicole Carr did a presentation on “Energize Our Neighborhoods Boise”, and District councilwoman, Luci Willits, spoke to the valuable relationships between neighborhood associations and the City. Mark Salisbury, “West Boise Needs a Library Too” updated members on the great progress of the library initiative. Five new board members were nominated and unanimously elected, bringing our CTNA board to its full eight members! Thank you all for your support.


Please email centennialnaboise@gmail.com  with any questions!

Centennial NA Quarterly Meetings

Quarterly board meetings are open to all residents, business owners and people who may not live within CTNA but work within its boundaries. Regular board meetings are held on the third Thursday of January, April, July, and October (Annual Meeting)

Register To More Fully Participate

To participate in your Centennial Neighborhood Association more fully, it is necessary to be a “registered” voting member (see bylaw excerpt below). At the upcoming April 20th meeting it is anticipated that there may be one or more issues requiring a formal “Membership” vote.

Please send your email to centennialnaboise@gmail.com with the following information:

Name ____________________ Req

Address with zip _____________________ Req

Membership Status ______ Resident _____ Business Owner __bus name and location_______ Property Owner _______________ Req

Nonprofit Representative (name of nonprofit) ____________________ Req

Email address _____________ Be the first to know of issues and events by being on Centennial’s email list


Phone number ___________

Bylaw Excerpts

Article 2: Membership, Voting, Dues 

Section A: Membership Eligibility. Membership is open to residents, property owners, business owners, and representatives of nonprofit organizations located within the Association boundaries. In no event shall any person be eligible for more than one membership. . .

Section C:

 Voting. In order to be eligible to vote, a resident must sign their name and address on the Official Membership List. The Official Membership List shall be available at all meetings. Each member is entitled to one vote. There shall be no voting by proxy. Except as otherwise noted, a simple majority vote is needed to adopt any action presented to the general membership.