Charles F. McDevitt Youth Sports Complex master plan update and request for input!

February 15, 2024

Good afternoon, you are receiving this e-mail because of your interest in the Charles F. McDevitt Youth Sports Complex master plan update. Our team values your input on potential amenities and design elements and is excited to share the next phase of the master plan outreach process.

In December, we opened an online survey to receive feedback on potential amenities in various price brackets and recreational focus areas. Thank you to those who participated in this survey – we received over 830 responses! If you would like to view these survey results, you may do so here.

Incorporating input received through the survey, our team of landscape architects has prepared two design concepts that we are now asking for your feedback on. Option 1 focuses more on traditional sports and includes a fenced dog off-leash park and a small water play feature. Option 2 is more focused on wheeled sports with a bike pump track area and new skatepark features adjacent to the current skatepark on site. Both options include new trees, a nature play area, and pollinator gardens in the park.

Click to Review Option 1 and option 2

Please take this brief follow-up survey to vote on your preferred option. There is then an opportunity to share what, if anything, you would change about your preferred design. This survey will be open for two weeks, closing at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 28.

Next Steps

Following this second round of public input, the city’s landscape architects will work to finalize a single master plan design. This design will be presented to the Boise Parks and Recreation Commission, where a public hearing will follow a presentation from staff. The Board of Commissioners will then vote on the updated master plan. This meeting is anticipated to be held in April, but neighbors will be notified once details are confirmed.

Thank you again for participating, and we look forward to engaging neighbors and community members as this process moves forward.