
Charles F. McDevitt Youth Sports Complex Master Plan Presentation April 18!

Hello Centennial neighbors!

In case you may have missed it, we received an update from Boise Parks and Recreation on the Master Plan for our neighborhood’s Charles F. McDevitt Park completion and reviewed it at our announced April 11th open board meeting last night at Tree City Church. Thank you all who attended and shared their thoughts. The board is investigating a few proposed changes to the current plan and will present those at next week’s P&R Commission meeting. All are encouraged to attend. Zoom meeting options are available – see below.

Here is the latest update from Boise Parks and Recreation. We encourage everyone to attend.

March 2024 Update from Boise Parks and Recreation

Thank you to those who have participated in the outreach process so far; our team values your feedback and is now preparing a final design proposal following a second survey.

Incorporating initial feedback on potential amenities, our team of landscape architects prepared two design concepts for people to vote on. Option 2, which is more focused on wheeled sports with a bike pump track area and new skatepark features, was the winner with more than 63% of the vote. If you would like to view these follow-up survey results, you may do so here.


Next Steps

Following this second round of public input, the city’s landscape architects are working to finalize a master plan design. This design update will be presented to the Boise Parks and Recreation Commission, where a public hearing will follow a presentation from staff. The Board of Commissioners will then vote on the updated master plan. Details for the April meeting are listed below.

Boise Parks and Recreation Commission – Monthly Meeting
4 p.m. on Thursday, April 18
Boise City Hall (Zoom participation available)

If the updated master plan design is approved, the impact fee funding to build out the new amenities is expected to be available in fiscal year 2025. 

If you have feedback for the folks who will ultimately make the decision on the future of the park, please attend the meeting they reference on 4/18/2024!

A Letter to Neighborhood Associations

We, the Centennial Neighborhood Association, represent Boise’s west-most citizens. We would like to make you aware of an issue we’ve raised with city leaders. We’d like your support. We’d also like to know what issues you feel need more attention where you live. We know that we are stronger when we support each other.

Boise Neighborhood Associations, with a red circle around the Centennial Neighborhood Association

In Fall 2022, a couple of our citizens appealed to our Neighborhood Association, at our Annual Meeting, highlighting the need for better library services in West Boise.  They shared a map, showing that most of the city lives within 2 miles of a library, except for West Boise.

Boise Library Coverage, with a focus on West Boise

In 2023 these citizens started a group, calling themselves “Citizens for a Library in West Boise”, with support from our Neighborhood Association.  Together we took a petition to neighbors, calling on the Mayor, City Council, and Library Board, to improve library services in West Boise.  Nearly 1,000 Boise citizens signed this petition.  You are welcome to learn more about this effort at https://citizensforalibrary.org/west-boise.

Boise citizen signing the petition at Ustick in Bloom, June 10, 2023

This petition was presented to City Council at the Budget Hearing meeting on July 11th, 2023.  At this meeting, City Council approved funding for the library to create a new facilities plan, with help from an outside agency.

Development of a new facilities plan is in line with the Strategic Framework for Impact, https://www.boisepubliclibrary.org/about-us/strategic-planning/, a plan to guide efforts at Boise Public Library from 2024 to 2029. This framework was created after holding listening sessions with citizens and hosting an online survey in 2022.

Woman signing petition at Boise Albertson’s, Eagle & McMillan, July 8, 2023

The last facilities plan, created in 2000, called for the new branch libraries we have today: Cole & UStick, Hillcrest, Collister, and Bown Crossing.  It called for a new library downtown – which was ultimately rejected by citizens at the ballot in 2019.  Despite this setback, the library plan was successful in expanding access to libraries in nearly all parts of the city, putting a library within walking or biking distance of most citizens.  However, during this time, West Boise saw a reduction in library access: bookmobile service ceased in 2013.  Starting in 2022, Citizens in West Boise have been calling on city leaders to prioritize funding to build a library in West Boise too.

Molly Froerer, offering testimony in support of a library in West Boise, July 11, 2023

At a recent City Council meeting, February 6, 2024, City Council approved the selection of Group 4 Architecture to help create a new facilities plan for the Boise Library.  Group 4 Architecture was hired by the City of Spokane to help create the facilities plan which led to improvements in Spokane’s library system.  City Council members made it clear during this meeting that they want to see input from Boise citizens as this facilities plan is created.

We feel that physical libraries remain an important part of the services a city provides:

  • Printed Books.  It’s great that many books can be checked out in a digital format these days.  However, a physical library provides several advantages over an app on your phone.  The printed book selection is better, printed books cost libraries a fraction of the cost of digital forms.
  • Other Media.  Libraries offer other forms of media – music, movies, games.  Robotics kits, 3D printers, and if you go to the library branch in Eagle or Garden City, you’ll find a whole collection of interesting “things”!
  • Special Programming.  They provide unique programs for teenagers and young children.
  • Gathering Place.  Libraries provide a community gathering place, a space for meetings.
  • Access to Technology.  Libraries make technology accessible to everyone.
  • Education and Community Services.  Libraries provide a place where classes are taught, free legal and tax services are offered, and literacy programs.

In short, libraries enhance and build a community!

We hope that you’re as excited as we are about the next chapter in Boise’s library.

You might consider –

  • Visiting your closest Boise Library Branch, and or the downtown library.
  • Sending a message showing your support for Boise Libraries to your City Council Representative.
  • Sharing this message with members of your Neighborhood Association.


Centennial Neighborhood Association Board

Gary Dufault, President
Mark Salisbury, Member at Large

Who’s Stealing Our Mail and Why?

Crime Prevention2:38 PM (8 hours ago)
to Crime

In recent weeks I have seen a few complaints of mail theft in various areas of Boise.   So far in 2024 we have received four reports of mail being stolen.   

Mail theft is a different problem than package theft.  When someone steals a package, they are looking for a valuable item sitting on our doorstep.  When a person steals mail, that are looking to steal your financial information or your identity.

What are thieves looking for?  Cash, checks, gift cards, account numbers, your social security number, banking details, pay stubs, and identifying information like your name and date of birth.

Reduce the opportunity.  Switching to paperless billing and statements can reduce the amount of sensitive mail you receive.

Purchase a lockable mailbox.  A lockable mailbox allows the postal carrier to deliver mail through a slot in the mailbox but requires a key to open and retrieve mail.

Don’t flag your mailbox as a target.  Using the red flag on your mailbox can alert thieves that there is something inside to be stolen. Hand your mail directly to a letter carrier, use a secured USPS blue mailbox, or go directly to your local Post Office to send mail.

Pick up your mail regularly. Don’t leave letters in the mailbox for several days, over the weekend or even overnight. Make checking your mailbox part of your daily routine.

Stop delivery. Alert the Post Office if you are going out of town and request them to temporarily stop the delivery of your mail.  When you return, you can pick up your mail at the local post office and resume normal delivery.  https://www.usps.com/manage/hold-mail.htm

Talk to your neighbors.  If your mail was stolen, let your neighbors know.  They may not realize their mail was stolen too. Watching out for your neighbors helps to build relationships and keep your neighborhood safe.

Be aware of and report suspicious activity.  Notice an unknown individual looking at or tampering with mailboxes in your neighborhood?  Report it to non-emergency dispatch 208-377-6790.

Sign up for Informed Delivery through the postal service.  While this won’t prevent mail theft, it will provide you with a daily picture of all letter size mail that is on its way to your mailbox.  You can sign up for this free service through the United States Postal Service at https://informeddelivery.usps.com.

How to report if your mail was stolen?  You can report by calling 208-377-6790 or can report online on the Boise Police website.  To file a complaint with the USPS you can use this link https://usps.my.site.com/emailus/s/daily-mail-delivery-inquiry or call 1-877-876-2455.

Crime Prevention Unit

Boise Police Department

Office: (208)570-6071

Boise Bike Project – Your Centennial Neighborhood Centralized Drop Off Point

Centennial Neighborhood Association just received the email from the Boise Bicycle Project. This is a great cause. We had a neighbor a few years back that left a perfectly good, albeit used, bicycle outside next to their garage. Through rain, snow and sunshine that bike never moved for over a year. Finally, when they moved – it was gone, probably to the landfill.

I received a separate email encouraging Boise Neighborhood Associations to open convenient collection points in their neighborhood area where folks could easily drop these much-needed bikes off, avoiding a separate trip downtown to the Boise Bicycle Project shop and warehouse. My wife and I are volunteering to store donated bikes at our home between now and the first part of December. From here we will call the Bicycle Project for them to come and pick all the bikes up at one time! Convenient for all! Perhaps, my former neighbor just couldn’t be bothered to bring that bike downtown. It’s sad that some youngsters miss out.

Let’s show our Centennial Neighborhood spirit and gather as many lovingly used bicycles that our children have just outgrown! If you are able to help please call me. Thank you and Merry Christmas!


Gary Dufault, President

Your Centennial Neighborhood Association


October 19, 2023 – Annual Meeting

Centennial Neighborhood Association Meeting – 2023

Annual Meeting of The Members

Our meeting closely followed the evening’s AGENDA. Bonnie Shelton led a highly informative presentations by Boise Parks and Recreation (McDevitt Park Master Plan Kickoff). Nicole Carr did a presentation on “Energize Our Neighborhoods Boise”, and District councilwoman, Luci Willits, spoke to the valuable relationships between neighborhood associations and the City. Mark Salisbury, “West Boise Needs a Library Too” updated members on the great progress of the library initiative. Five new board members were nominated and unanimously elected, bringing our CTNA board to its full eight members! Thank you all for your support.


Please email centennialnaboise@gmail.com  with any questions!

McDevitt Park Completion Update

McDevitt Park Kickoff Public Meeting

Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Time: 5:30 to 7 p.m.
Location: Lowell Scott Middle School (Library), 13600 W McMillan Rd.

Latest Time Table for Master Plan

Boise Parks and Recreation representatives to present at CTNA’s October 19th, 2023, Annual Member meeting. It’s the kickoff of a search for ideas to finish the east end of the park

This is one of only three parks in the Centennial Neighborhood Association (CTNA) boundaries.

∙ The land McDevitt sits on was annexed in 1999.  

∙ Most of the park was finished in 2001. 

∙ Impact fees from new construction have been assessed and are available. ∙ Over 10 years later, in 2013 money was in the budget to finish McDevitt. The Boise Parks and Recreation (BPR) master plan for McDevitt included 3 lacrosse fields to be built in the unfinished area in association with a local lacrosse league. That plan fell through. 

∙ Another 10 years after that, in 2023, BPR again had money in the budget to finish the park but needed a new master plan. This was put on hold because of a “capacity issue” or staffing shortage to manage the community outreach needed to develop a new plan. 

∙ In July of 2023, the CTNA appeared before the Boise City Council at the FY2024 budget hearing to request the park be completed in FY2024 and not pushed back again. The City Council denied the request. However, Eric Bilimoria, Boise Budget Manager, said McDevitt was scheduled in FY2025, but he qualified that by saying it was “dependent upon collection of development impact fees.”

(1) When asked, Karen Bledsoe, BPR, said that there was $1.2M in FY2023 for McDevitt and that by FY2025 it was projected to be “over $1.4M.” It was asked if that meant planning in FY2024 for installation in FY2025 and she did not disagree.

(2) ∙ Each year, the park is not completed, the $1.2M in impact fees buys less and less. BPR says installation costs have gone up 40% since 2021. We were told by BPR that they currently forecast $100K per acre for irrigation and turf, so just grass for the bare area in McDevitt could cost over $750,000 today. 

While McDevitt continues to be unfinished for over 23 years, the city has purchased, improved, and finished parks in other areas of the city. Some improvements are as extravagant as a splash pad and free Wi-Fi.  

Impact fees are charges assessed for the impact that new development makes on the City of Boise’s regional parks, local parks, fire department and police department. New residential development pays all four impact fee types, because they impact all four services. Commercial development pays only fire and police impact fees because it typically does not directly impact regional and local parks. 

The city’s park service area extends to the city’s area of impact boundaries and is segregated by two types of park systems – Regional Parks and Local Parks. However, since local parks are intended to serve smaller geographic areas with different capital facility requirements and growth patterns, there are five (5) separate local park fee areas – each with separate impact fees. This means the local park impact fees charged in any of the service areas pay only for the infrastructure which provides the direct benefit to that area. For example, the Northwest Local Park only funds parks in the Northwest service area.  

So, the impact fees from our area will go to area parks, but that might mean impact fees earmarked for and we assumed would go to finish McDevitt, may in fact be diverted to buy or improve other parks inside the planning area, but outside the CTNA, such as Spaulding Ranch Park. Eric Bilimoria stated that “there are other projects within that planning area.”

(3) Councilmember Hallyburton says that “There’s a priority list.”

(4) Here is a map of the impact fee planning areas: 

Currently, we’re being told that the reason McDevitt is being delayed is because of “capacity issues” or lack of staffing. Councilmember Colin Nash encourages us to “stay engaged.”

(5) His advice is good.  Mayor Lauren McLean said that Spaulding Ranch Park, acquired in 2016, a favorite of Boise City 

Councilmember Nash is “being pushed forward.”

(6) McDevitt continues to be pushed back.  

(1) July 11th, 2023, Boise City Council Meeting- FY2024 Budget.  


Mode=Video&MeetingID=4525&MinutesID=3505&FileFormat=pdf&Format=Minutes&MediaFileF ormat=mp4 1.02:45 

(2) July 11th, 2023 Boise City Council Meeting- FY2024 Budget.  


Mode=Video&MeetingID=4525&MinutesID=3505&FileFormat=pdf&Format=Minutes&MediaFileF ormat=mp4 1.35:17 

(3) July 11th, 2023 Boise City Council Meeting- FY2024 Budget.  


Mode=Video&MeetingID=4525&MinutesID=3505&FileFormat=pdf&Format=Minutes&MediaFileF ormat=mp4 1.05:39 

(4) July 11th, 2023 Boise City Council Meeting- FY2024 Budget.  


Mode=Video&MeetingID=4525&MinutesID=3505&FileFormat=pdf&Format=Minutes&MediaFileF ormat=mp4 1.33:00 

(5) July 11th, 2023 Boise City Council Meeting- FY2024 Budget.  


Mode=Video&MeetingID=4525&MinutesID=3505&FileFormat=pdf&Format=Minutes&MediaFileF ormat=mp4 2.15:00 

(6) July 11th, 2023 Boise City Council Meeting- FY2024 Budget.  


Mode=Video&MeetingID=4525&MinutesID=3505&FileFormat=pdf&Format=Minutes&MediaFileF ormat=mp4 2.19:45


One of the benefits of living in Boise is the number and quality of our parks. Mayor McLean has established a goal of having a Boise park within a 10-minute safe walk of all Boise Citizens. For many of us in the Centennial Neighborhood, McDevitt is that park.

McDevitt is one of only three parks within the boundaries of the Centennial Neighborhood Association, but it’s a nice one. The park includes:
 Norm’s Pond, a 1.2-acre fishing pond
 the 10,000 Sq. ft. McMillan skate park
 2 children’s play structures
 7 groomed and fenced ball fields complete with tall backstops, foul line markers, batting cages, covered dugouts with water fountains, bleachers, league storage sheds, a concession stand and restrooms
 parking
 a walking path around most of the perimeter
There are also a few small, old backstops with wooden benches in the unfinished area that might have once been softball fields.
However, about a quarter of the park in the NE corner is unfinished.

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Crime and Safety

ACHD Proposed Changes in Neighborhood “Speed Calming” Policy

This is a recap of a proposed change in ACHD policy for those requesting speed calming.   In the past applicants would need to collect data to prove excessive traffic speed, traffic volume, and cut-through. A cut-through is when traffic passes through a residential neighborhood that did not originate, nor arrive at a destination in that neighborhood. Additionally, a petition for speed mitigation needed signatures from 75% of affected residents. At that point, ACHD would consider if it would pay for the speed mitigation structures, or if the requesting party were responsible.

Under the proposed policy, calming applicants will have to prove either excessive speed or traffic volume in the area — not both — and get the required signatures on their petition. This eliminates the cut-through requirement. ACHD will pay for the cost of the structure installations.

Traffic speed and volume are typically determined by placing tube counters across the road at an agreed-upon location. According to the policy, a street must be over 750 feet in length and have more than 400 cars per day to be considered eligible for traffic calming evaluation. If a street has more than 4,000 vehicles per day, it surpasses the upper limit for traffic calming and is not eligible. Only residential streets and collector roads that have a speed limit of 30 MPH or less are eligible for traffic calming.

The default speed limit in Boise is 20 mph, so the majority of our side streets qualify.

We’re not sure how ADHD would define “affected residents” when requiring signatures. And, while now a moot point, we also don’t know how ACHD would define the boundaries of the “neighborhood” for cut-through.

We are expecting to hear more about where these proposed changes stand over the coming weeks. We’ll keep you posted!

Neighborhood Contact Officer – Presentation – May 16, 2023

Here is the Power Point presentation that was made to your Neighborhood Watch leaders at the West Boise Police Station, Mark Stall Place. There was good attendance and many questions addressed by BPD officers and staff. Many thanks to our BPD community for taking their time to keep our neighborhoods informed and protected!

National Night Out

National Night Out is Tuesday August 1.  Registration for Nation Night Out 2023 opens today and runs through July 25, 2023. 

Please do not wait until the last minute to register.  While we encourage all to enjoy a great time with their neighbors and community, we can only guarantee City representatives (police/fire, etc.) for the first 50 parties to register.

REGISTER HERE: https://www.cityofboise.org/departments/police/national-night-out/register-your-national-night-out-event/

Boise Neighborhood Watch Information and Documents

We will be adding updates and new information for Neighborhood Watch and BPD as we receive them.